

October 1st, 2009


On September 10th and 11th, 2009 a Certified Scrum Master Training took place in TNG's office, complemented by a talk about "Real-Life Scrum" by one of our experts.


October 1st, 2009

Java | Public Health

We supported a customer extending their Java enterprise application for auditing. Within this project we showed our customers how to use a Scrum development process and thus...

September 1st, 2009

Jira | Workflow

We supported a customer's internal IT department introducing a new issue/bug tracking system, Atlassian Jira. The system got deployed for the whole company. We supported with...

September 1st, 2009

Partner University

TNG is now a member of the Supporters Club of the Cambridge University Computing Lab and of the Corporate Partnership Programmes of the Computing Department at the Imperial...

September 1st, 2009

Data Warehouse | Testing

We augmented a project within a customer's data warehouse with a test expert and a scrum coach. We created a test concept allowing our customer to validate the correctness of...

August 1st, 2009


For a new customer we took over new tasks in the area of single-sign-on (SSO). We clarified the SSO requirements in close collaboration with our client, listed boundary...

We took responsibility for a data migration project of one of our customers in the telecommunication industry. We took over the project management and the bigger part of the...

August 1st, 2009

Partner University

The Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS), University of Southampton, is working in the area of numerical simulation and the analysis of complex systems. The institue...

August 1st, 2009

Mobile Internet

For one of our customers we conducted a workshop on the topic of Mobile Internet. We informed the participants on the history of the mobile Internet, how to develop content for...

We supported a customer with a telecommunication background integrating three new partners into an existing software system by providing the bigger part of the integration team....

Current news can be found here.